its time to tune into a whole new frequency as Your success, abundance & joy is a byproduct of the frequency that you ripple out. Release the self doubt so you can step into the most authentic, magnetic & abundant version of you.

the mind chatter is loud right?

hey, im jenna

a subconscious mind, energy & nervous system guide who is here to guide you to build sustainable inner foundations so that you can find the courage and confidence through all seasons of business.

i know the foundations you build now will sustain you as you expand into new levels of leadership & success in business, whilst creating an ABUNDANCE of mind & time freedom.

I built a multi 6 figure business, which lead me to complete burn out & becoming a shell of a human being who had no ounce of radiance left in her bones. it literally took every ounce of glow that i had and that was because the way i was functioning was unsustainable & i had no solid foundations to my energy & wellbeing in business.

what i learnt and now know…

is That you are the vehicle that life desires to be expressed through and that you are a channel for your business & creations. it is your responsibility to honour the self, build & maintain your daily habits so that you can move through business with grounded confidence & courage to go for it.

you are not here to spend your days in comparison, imposter syndrome and to be constantly doubting yourself and what you have to share.

especially as your about to launch your greatest offering & enter your most expansive season of business yet!

For freedom seeking entrepreneurs ready to release their fears, limitations & their grip on social media being an external validation metric so that they can embody rock solid confidence & not throw it all in on their soul mission.

  • Limiting Belief training, so you can easily identify what they are & where they are holding you back*

  • energy & body scan meditation*

  • Your next best guidance meditation*

  • Morning Moments PDF Template & Video Tutorial*

  • Success Codes pdf for launching or scaling your business*

  • eft tapping 101 video tutorial*

  • BONUS eft ENERGY EXPANSION AUDIO for Explosion into your next level self & business*

*all pre-recorded 
  • This program is perfect if you are a start up entrepreneur in the early stage of business and you want to identify and release limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck and stagnant.

  • This is not for you if you do not desire to start a business and you are not committed to the process of deeply identifying your limiting beliefs and showing up to doing to work of reprogramming your subconscious.

  • This offering is a completely pre-recorde offering. Once th workbook has been received by (must be received within 2 weeks of purchase) the you will receive a personalised eft tapping audio emailed to you within 7 days.

  • Approximately 60 mins to complete the Energy Audit workbook however you may allocate more time to ensure in-depth answers. The more vulnerable, the more detailed and personalised the reprogramming audio will be. The EFT audio will be approximately 10 mins in length

  • Time and commitment is needed in order to reprogram the subconscious mind as well as aligned action. If you keep consistent commitment and practice to those things then over time you will begin to feel the shift, it's not overnight but it will happen.

  • Please make sure that you are 100% committed and putting in the action in order to get results, this is one part of the process and it will take time. Unfortunately no refunds are offered once purchased so please make sure you are 100% committed before you purchase.